Chiang Mai Grandview Hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand


Winter School on Advanced Ceramics

The primary goal of this school is to provide PhD students and young researchers with an understanding concept and application of the advanced ceramics. The program covers fundamental as well as advanced concepts. Many distinguished lecture both of Thai and international  will provide lecture


The school will helded on 5 November 2024 and will be arranged in the same conference hotel. This is free of charge for SmartMat@2024 participants. All attendees will receive certificate from ACerS-Thailand.

However, because of space is limied, seperate registration is needed. More information will be annouced again. 



Winter School on Advanced Ceramics

(This program is supported by Global League Advanced Ceramics, PMU-B)



The International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology (SmartMat@2024)
November 5 - 8, 2024: Chiang Mai Grandview Hotel in Chiang Mai, Thailand